Board of Directors
The Board of Directors is the governing body of the Mineral Wells Area Chamber of Commerce. Each member serves a three-year term and commits to supporting the Chamber with their time, talent, and treasure.

Melody Singleton
Melody's Crazy Creations

Nikki Elms
Past Chairman of the Board
Texas Parks & Wildlife

Bridgett Worley
Chairman Elect
Worley's Mobile Services

Jake Grogan
Indian Creek Baptist Church

Pat Ann Wilson
Secretary & Education Development Chair

Bridget Shelton
Rest Yourself River Ranch

Sheila Charles
Texas Farm Bureau Insurance

Shawn Brown
The Perfect Pair

Jessica Samples
Mineral Wells Rent-All
S&K Automotive

Cole Vaughan
First National Bank Albany/Breckenridge

Christina Phenix
CASA-Hope for Children

Troy Huseman
Famous Water Co.

Angie Myrick
Mineral Wells ISD