Envision Mineral Wells
Envision Mineral Wells is a collaborative effort between community stake holders, the Mineral Wells Area Chamber of Commerce and the City of Mineral Wells to identify, prioritize and act on the most critical issues facing Mineral Wells in the coming decade.
Envision Mineral Wells formed through an initial Steering Committee comprised of more than 50 community thought leaders. The plan organized around six primary topics (outlined below) and related sub topics. Several key "issues" were identified under each topic and from that goals and objectives were recommended. these recommendations will form the basis for engaging the community and moving the plan forward.
Through Envision Mineral Wells, a number of positive changes and steps have occurred and more are planned.
The Envision Mineral Wells Foundation Inc. is a 501(c)3 non-profit providing financial support for community and economic development projects. There are many ways to make charitable contributions to the Foundation to support its goals and projects and help build a better Mineral Wells and Palo Pinto County.
The current Foundation board members are:
Chairman David Hawes
Chairman-Elect Scott Elder
Treasurer Matt Sudderth
Secretary David May
Directors Alan Clarke, Marty Durbin, Sarah Hahs, Regan Johnson, Mike McConnell and Randy Nix

1. Economic Competitiveness
Goal 1:Â Grow and diversify the economy of Mineral Wells
Goal 2:Â Maintain, improve and develop the primary facilities and infrastructure necessary to support the growth of our targeted business clusters.
2. Maintaining a Competitive Workforce
Goal 1:Â Performance:Â Work to improve Pre-K through 12th Grade public school performance, student educational attainment, and perceptions of the system.
Goal 2:Â Partnerships:Â Work to develop partnerships among and between our education institutions with business and government at all levels.
Goal 3:Â Workforce:Â Work to ensure the workforce development system addresses the need for skilled workers required by Mineral Wells targeted business sectors.
3. Community Redevelopment
Goal 1:Â Â Identify and focus on the redevelopment of areas deemed most critical.
Goal 2:Â Identify and establish the support necessary to serve Mineral Wells at risk and under-served populations.
Goal 3:Â Housing:Â Address the need for housing development in Mineral Wells at all levels from executive housing to affordable housing.
4. Infrastructure & Mobility
Goal 1:Â Infrastructure Plan:Â Develop a formal plan of growth to include utilities, roadways (to include bypass loop), water and sewer infrastructure needs to serve anticipated growth for commercial and residential areas.
Goal 2:Â Enhance Mobility:Â Address congestion and mobility by using all funding sources available; local, state and federal, to synchronize traffic signals on major highways and evaluate the possible reduction in total signal lights.
Goal 3:Â Develop Airport:Â Fully utilize the Mineral Wells Municipal Airport for growth potential.
5. Quality of Life
Goal 1:Â Expand amenities in the city.
Goal 2: Work with Mineral Wells healthcare providers to expand medical and mental health care within the community.
Goal 3: Clean up blighted areas by focusing on code enforcement, to include levying fines, as well as infrastructure improvements.
6. Promote Community Pride
Goal 1:Â Enhance local pride and levels of engagement in the Mineral Wells community.
Goal 2:Â Identify and assess Mineral Wells' strengths and weaknesses
Goal 3:Â Develop a brand identity and comprehensive marketing strategy for the City of Mineral Wells.